Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Book Review: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment - The Maximum Ride Series


In James Patterson's blockbuster series, fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, better known as Max, knows what it's like to soar above the world. She and all the members of the "flock"--Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel--are just like ordinary kids--only they have wings and can fly. It may seem like a dream come true to some, but their lives can morph into a living nightmare at any time...like when Angel, the youngest member of the flock, is kidnapped and taken back to the "School" where she and the others were experimented on by a crew of wack jobs. Her friends brave a journey to blazing hot Death Valley, CA, to save Angel, but soon enough, they find themselves in yet another nightmare--this one involving fighting off the half-human, half-wolf "Erasers" in New York City. Whether in the treetops of Central Park or in the bowels of the Manhattan subway system, Max and her adopted family take the ride of their lives. Along the way Max discovers from her old friend and father-figure Jeb--now her betrayed and greatest enemy--that her purpose is save the world--but can she?

My Review

James Patterson has wrote many books, but Maximum Ride is the book series I'm focused on at the moment. This is book one of a nine book series. This book is 464 pages long.

Max and the flock have been on the run ever since they escaped the dreaded "School", or this lab full of evil geniuses that do experiments. Not just little cute lab experiments, either. They are special scientists that use recombined DNA and transfer it to an infant's DNA structure! Yeah, Max and the flock have wings and other amazing abilities that they haven't even began to imagine. Jeb, one of the scientists that broke them out of the school, has been "missing for a while now. Max is the leader and after the youngest member of the flock, Angel, is captured by those scientists, Max has o come up with a plan. The flock is having a hard time saving Angel when every time the flock turns around there are at least five Erasers, half human-half wolf recombined DNA forms, chasing them. Max and Fang leave Gazzy and Iggy, whose blind, at their hidden house and head toward Death Valley to get Angel back. Death Valley, I know how ironic it sounds.... All Max can think about is getting Angel back with her brother, Gazzy, them being the only two related in the flock and all. Who knows the vile and repulsive tests the evil scientists are running on Angel. And that's not even the worst part..... Max is supposed to save the world! Who is she saving the world from and why?

I loooved this book!!! I've read the first book before, but that was a long time ago. This book series is full of lots of suspense. Have I said how much I love this book yet!?! I'm going to read all of this series, if possible. I'm already on the third book. James Patterson is a great author with many successful books and I'm going to see if he has anymore young adult books. This would make a great movie series, as well. I would definitely watch it if it was a movie series! I hope it becomes a movie series, because they were talking about it becoming one and it never did so I don't know.

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