Thursday, June 2, 2016

Book Review: Descent - The Gryphon Series Resurrection


It's been too long since the lion roared ... 
the eagle flew ... 
and the fated Celtic warrior embraced her destiny. 

Now, with an unknown darkness swirling and the body count rising, Gainesboro needs a hero more than ever. A new battle is brewing. Who will answer the call to war? 
The time has come. 
The stage is set. 
And, the Garretts are back in a brand new novella!

My Review

This is the first book in a novella series by Stacey Rourke. This book is 92 pages long.

Rowan finally has Celeste all to himself. Ever sense the mass memory swipe, the Council placed on everyone close or near to Celeste, Rowan hasn't had to deal with a certain handsome Irishman. For some reason the Dark Army Glee Club and himself haven't forgotten of the calling. On campus, murders have been taking place and it is starting to awaken the warrior in Celeste. The only way to keep Celeste safe is to find the killer. That is no small feat, because this murderer isn't human... He is a demon known as a Hellhound. The Hellhound is someone Rowan would never expect and to save his lass, Celeste he might just have to make the sacrifice of his life. Rowan is different and might actually be falling for Celeste. Is Rowan going soft? Who is cursed as the Hellhound? Will Celeste start to remember?

This was a great novella! It was kind of like a sequel of the Gryphon Series. I thought it was cool how it was in Rowan's point of view, because Celeste sort-of paints Rowan as a narcissistic pirate that doesn't give a rat's behind what happens to anyone else. He isn't like that at all... Well except when he is trying to hide his true emotions. This is definitely teen - YA above, because of the language and a bit of vulgar slang. Other than that it was fie. It ended with a cliff-hanger and there was plenty of twists. I can't wait to read the next book in this new sequel series. 

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